
Data forms the foundation for our empirical analyses and insights. We dedicate considerable effort to building high-quality datasets that we can trust, and we make our products as accessible as possible to researchers and policy makers.


The “Private-Land Conservation Evidence System (PLACES) is a cluster-based software platform that synthesizes feature-rich parcel-level datasets for land conservation and environmental research in the United States. Learn more about its features, variable dictionary, and request access.

Open parcel-level data from prior publications is available for download on the PLACES Dataverse, e.g., on property-level flood risk in Massachusetts, and the impact of private land acquisitions and conservation easements on forest cover.

Land Values

Download maps of estimated land values and the cost of land acquisitions:

United States

publication of parcel-level
estimates in 2023, supported by NSF

Colombian Andes

supported by NASA

Data Practices for Hedonic Analyses

We worked extensively with U.S.-wide real estate data (including Zillow’s ZTRAX) to estimate conservation costs and to value environmental risks and amenities.